So the thing is, I am still stuck in the mud about everything, what I want to do next week, next year, the rest of my life. How can I choose? I have always been indecisive but this is just ridiculous. Anyone wants to help carve my future, feel free as I have given up on deciding.
See where the wind takes me....
It may take me to this amazing place, a place where many would never dream of stepping foot in, but I would love to see this place, Petra, hidden away from the world.
Random thoughts of mine...

I wish I had a bubble blower, like what every child possessed in the 90's...

Time's ticking....

On my bucket air balloon ride.

What I want to yell at people who are down about nothing. Get a life already.

Zippora Seven, a carefree, beautiful New Zealand model who I adore
I am in a random, do-what-I-want mood so therefore this blog is a little upside down, much like life, so like life, deal with it please :)
I was talking with Catherine today over a cup of tea after school was over and we sort of had an epiphany about the fact that we have had to build our own lives here. Create something beautiful and enjoyable out of nothing.....Hard to imagine when you have never had to do it, but it's so indescribably difficult. Grow roots, feel at home, make friends, find your way from A to B....Hard to say the least. I think that in 6 months I have built myself a great life. I have a great family now and had another fantastic family whom I love so much also, have settled into school, made friends, made several million cakes for my class and learnt a language deemed one of the worlds most difficult. No too bad.
That is all for tonight, I must go off and read Homers Odyssey IN DANISH. So easy.....mmm
I love your blog, and i wont to follow it! I always wonna go to New Zealand! You are welcome to follow my blog! It's on danish (: