It was amazing being in a huge city such as London with the people you love so much, wish I could go back! But back to reality again, back to school and the long days of not doing much but having to attend otherwise your absence rate will shoot through the roof. Just a little over school at the moment, as many other exchange students are at this time. Just not doing much gets to you after 9 months. I crave a challenge like an assignment or essay. I need those short term goals again. I am used to having huge and sometimes crazy goals such a learn Danish, make new friends, build a life. A bit daunting, thus the thought of small goals seems very tempting and exciting. Sounds sick to most I know.
Anyway, LONDON! We began at 3am at Fredericia train station, ikke så frisk! We took the train to Copenhagen which takes about 3 hours then we waited waited waited to get our flight to LONDON! I got a stamp in my passport as I left KBH which was more exciting than you would think...
After a flight sitting next to an uber feral 14 year old boy who thought he was top lort, we arrived in London. And for all of you kids living in Denmark, you will know Jesper from X Factor. Well his class was on a studietur too and was on the same flight there and back as us! Yay Danish celebrity who isnt too hard on the eyes. NOM.
So after staring at Jesper for some time, we all trudged onto the Gatwick Express to Victoria Station and then onto West Brompton. Just sayin, but taking your suitcases when there are about 30 students on the tube is no easy feat. We deserve a medal for all of that, so stressful agh! But we got to the hotel and dumped our stuff and we let free for the afternoon so a group of us went to Piccadilly Circus to find some food and take in out first sight of the big smoke.

So now Im tired and so will just post pics and maybe small explanations, sorry kids, writing s super hard at this very moment.

So that was London in a nutshell. It was the most amazing week, the most tiring week but I wish I could do it all again.
Thanks 3.k for being awesome, going to miss you all and your crazy antics.
So onto the rest of my life at the moment. Well, Im at a strange place at the moment. I think its a mix of the emotion of my looming departure from DK, having to say goodbye to so many amazing people, having to think beyond this year, having to build a life again, moving to a new city, starting university and other small things like this. It will be so hard to go back home, as I have changed so much and I feel like my life in NZ stood still. Like my room will be the same as I left it a year ago. The same CD in the CD player, the same numerous pieces of useless paper on my desk, the same notes I madly scribbled on my wall in vivid for NCEA level 1 and 2. Thats all the same, but Im not.I wont fit into my old life. And to be honest I am scared.
The joys of life changing things hey? Have to be prepared for the truck load of emotion that comes with it.
So last weekend we had our second of only two Rotary Get togethers. And for all of those poor people not in the Rotary loop. this is where all exchange students in DK meet for a weekend, usually staying in a school, not sleeping, catching up with your international friends and eating. Oh and of course partying, but abiding by the 4 D rules, thus not so much fun JK, its still awesome.
So this time it was the oldies last get together before we all go home. It was in Holbæk on Sjælland so another 3hr train journey with the good old DSB trains that I have learnt so well this year.
We had like a halloween dress up party on the Saturday night which was really cool, just chill and bogan as. Elles and I went as hippie, bum, bogans from Christiania which worked out super well for last min costumes. We were pretty epic I have to admit.

We got bored whilst sitting at our table, so naturally we began a bonfire with the candles on our table. The Rotarians were freaking out silently and took them away from us when we were getting puds hahahaha shot Rotarians!
But it was such a fun weekend in all, slept in a hallway and corridor so was pretty epic.
Will miss some oldies, others I will not give a second thought for the rest of my life. Whoops did I just say that? Tehe
Oh so the other day Catherine and I had a date and we made the cutest and yummiest meal EVER. We have talent at both cooking and dating, suggestive?

Oh and we had Muesli for pudding . .yums!
And one last pic....its getting cold here and dark. Hate it, just a little jealous of NZ as it heats up and DK cools down. But I love how you can see the sudden change in seasons here. Its definitely autumn now.
Oh and a pic of my house! Super cute no?
Lucy signing off
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