Time just won't hold up, I want time to just stop so I can be a Dane for a little bit more.
Amongst the chaos, some exciting things have happened. We had our school gala the other week which is similar to a leavers ball in NZ, not quite the parade that Marsden puts on but it was really awesome to be part of it.
We danced lancier which in my opinion is the most hilarious dance ever created. Catherine was my man, and a good looking one at that. We began by all parading into the gymnasium at the gymnasium (as in school) as i felt like we were part of some sort of Deb Ball, Catherine and I were the only ones laughing and talking as we did this I am pretty sure. Which made it even more hilarious.
My awesome as host dad, Jens has the most beautiful so he put it to good use to create memories of the hilarity of Catherine and I dancing together.
I was also really lucky as (nearly) all members of all of my host families were at the Gala too! So here are some pics of all of us. Ellie, one of my best friends EVER, also came as my guest as she had to be part of my special night too :). Sorry I cant put captions under the pics....just blogger being not so user friendly.
But in the fam pic we have Jens, current host dad, Andreas, my last host brother, me, my host mum Ulla, and Lærke, Gitte and Ib from my first family. Love you all so much!
It was such a fun night spent with the best people ever. Tak for en rigtig dejligt aften alle sammen :).
Have been up to see Ellie in Brande a few times recently too, its about an hour by train from here and in Central Jylland so its good to get around DK a bit more before I go.
The weather has been changing SO much too as of late. First Autumn was like BAM, leaves everywhere and the heavens were permanently open, now winter has hit and I just wish snow would fall already, as if it snows, at least the cold is pretty and not just grey and wet. Let it snow let it snow let it snow :)

The other day Catherine and I went to Andreas house and made some Danish candy things called flødeboller, cream balls translated hehe. They are so so yum and we made them pink so they were even better!

Wednesday did not only mark the birthday of my ever aging mother, BUT it also marked the premiere of the the 7th of the Harry Potter films! I was so so excited, its like the climax of my childhood was coming to fruition. I went with Catherine and Andreas at 23.58 in Middelfart and it was so amazing. I was whispering the lines I swear, and was noticing all the parts they missed out or did differently. Cute Harry nerd. But of course now we must wait 6 months for the second part to come out!
Then on Thursday, Andreas and I decided to go to Odense just randomly. So we took the train and bus and ended up at the Rosengårdcenter which is DKs biggest mall. And just by CHANCE IKEA is right next door...so naturally we went there and had the best time ever. Had the good old Swedish meatballs for dinner, at 4.30 as it seemed like dinner time as it was so dark. They also had all of their Christmas stick which was so awesome. I feel like you can really get into Christmas here, Scandinavia is the place to be. It better snow...just fingers crossed.
Must be off to bed as am tired from school, all of 2 classes and had Andreas and Catherine over for dinner and an epic Pushing Daisies Marathon.
European Handball Champs Game tomorrow with my mum, looking forward to it! We plan to watch the men rather than the game. Im totally fine with that!
Knus from a far away freezing land
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