I can't put into words how I feel. It's so strange, it's like something is missing and it actually physically hurts.
I must have cried a dozen times. I just randomly start crying, when I'm in the middle of doing something normal and laborious. Like tonight we went out for dinner and I had just had a really amazing main course, then my heart just dropped and I teared up. It really is the most awful feeling. Just unstable and unhappy.
The day that I left Denmark was a day which I had never wanted to come, but it did, oh it did. It was about 4am at Billund Airport and my amazing friends came to say goodbye to me as well as my family and it was the most surreal feeling I have ever had. It was all over. The most amazing year of my life finished, the fastest year I swear. But as they say all good things must come to an end, and Ill always have those memories from Denmark which makes me so happy as I have so many amazing memories I can and will hold onto.
Now is the hard part. Getting back into reality. But I actually feel like Denmark is reality and New Zealand is just a holiday, that in a week or two Ill hop onto a plane and travel for days back home. I know thats not the way it really is, although I really wish it was.
Seeing people again is also just bizarre. Its like time hasn't passed at all but then so much has happened and I've done so much yet it still feels the same. It trips you out thats for sure. Its really nice seeing my friends too, like of course I missed them but mainly missed out on sharing the experience that I had in DK with them, as now its like our lives have already started moving down different paths. My life has been DK, their lives have been Marsden and NZ, and it's just hard sometimes as we sort of lack common experience as we have been half a world away from each other. So hard to explain argh, but love all my NZ kids, I'm sorry if I seem out of it most of the time I'm with you, my mind is in one crazy place right now <3.
I'm off to university soon, in a few weeks I move to Christchurch in the South Island which I am SO looking forward to. I've seen enough of Wellington, getting a bit bored of it now so am SO ready for another big change. I look forward to being somewhat independent again.
Now am just trying to fill the days until I go, trying not to be so lost in my thoughts and memories as it just doesn't help.
Danmark altid i mit hjerte <3
Leave you with a few pics from my last time in DK and some of an NZ summer :)
Miss all of you in DK so much, come see me now pleeease.

My farewell afternoon tea with all my family and friends etc, Danish flag yay! And my Danish Graduation hat, for all of that hard work I did at school paha

Last day at Fredericia Gymnasium! Obviously no work was done, as usual.
Last Danish meal of Frikadeller, yummmmmm. And last of all my class during English, so much attention being paid no??

Flying home, over the USA. And this is what a New Zealander thinks a Danish is.....I apologise pahhahaha
NZ summer, Taupo kids camp 2011. Hello 28 degrees!
Lucy, I can clearly see you are home, but I accidentally stumled across your blog and enjoyed the little I read. I was in DK 20 years go though RYE, too. I went to school in Middelfart and had a blast. I completely understand your comment that Denmark was/is just a natural part of you. In 6 days, I leave for Stockholm to visit my daughter, a RYE. We will also see DK. Thanks for having your blog. It reminds me of my time there, though I don't recall IKEA in Odense. ;-)