Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I just can't go

Tonight I had my Rotary Presentation, all in Danish. I spoke about this year, which is really hard to be honest. Trying to fit a year into a 25min speech? Was a challenge to say the least. But I did it, and it went really well. I was so happy as I was so nervous I would all of a sudden lose the ability to speak any word of Danish. But I could remember what I needed and I felt so good being able to do something like that, speaking in a foreign language that i have only been exposed to for 10 months or so, being in front of 50 people, all at least 20 years older than me. But I did it, it's done. Now to continue with my organised chaotic life.

So after my speech tonight, my host mum Ulla, gave everyone a piece of paper. She had written a song for me, like a goodbye song that was from all of my host families, like a little story of my exchange put into a tune. It was the sweetest thing, when everyone began to sing it I burst into tears. I can't leave this place, it will hurt too much.

Tonight was one of the first times I cried at the realisation I'm going home. Lots more where that came from.

Here is the song, in Danish. Google translate NZ people.

Til vores låne datter og søster Lucy.

Den lille Lucy rejste
Med kufferten så rød og fuld
Hun var jo spændt på folket og
på den danske muld

Først kom hun ned til Skærbæk
Og kiggede på det klare vand
Hun smilte for nu havde hun
Mødt den største mand! (far Ib)

Det næste stop var Fyns land
Hos Kirsten og Andreas bror
De går i samme klasse
og sammenholdet gror

Det sidste hjem er Taulov
Og mange ting er kommet til
Mentalt og ganske fysisk
En flyver fylde vil

Til slut vi alle takker
For den du er og så fordi
Vi har dig lært at kende
Vi takker alle ti (Niels og Nanna er også med)

Kærlige hilsner og knus fra

Nanna, Lærke, Gitte, Ib, Kirsten, Andreas, Søren, Niels, Ulla og Jens


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Lucy,
    Your presentation was beautiful! The slides were art and your Danish was most impressive. Everything really went so well.
    You have every reason to be proud of yourself, - I'm sure all of your four mothers are :-)

    * * * *

    The personalized song is a Danish tradition.
    At birthdays, konfirmations, weddings, anniversaries etc. there will often be a song or two written for the occasion usually by guests skilled in the art of verse feet and rhymes. The songs are always written to a commonly known tune, so that everybody can join in singing.
    Lucy's song is written over an old nursery rhyme.

    You can hear the tune as a midi-file here, so that you can learn the tune and sing it when you get back to NZ.

    Love, Kirsten (Mum #3)
