Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rød grød med fløde....

All you non-knowing of any Danish people out there in the world, have a try at saying the title of this pointless isn't it? It's what learning Danish is like put into one word, fun. And by the way it is the name of a dessert which is like an almondy white paste pudding thingy with generally a strawberry type sauce. It is good, but when you have to ask for someone to pass it to you, you are screwed.

Anyway, school is back in action after an amazing-splendid-exciting-tiring 3 month summer break. It is so odd to be back at school, back to the structured days and early early wake up calls (or lack there of when you turn off your alarm in your sleep by mistake!). It has been so interesting going back into classes and actually understanding what is going on, like that is amazing for someone who used to sit in class, drawing houses, thinking about things way too much and being sad that I couldn't understand. But now I can sit through an entire religion lesson and tell the world what it is about. Oh understanding how I love you so. And my class is still awesome, such a cool bunch of kids who make me laugh and smile all day everyday.

I thought that I would write a list of things I really liked, just to refresh my memory as sometimes I lose track of what I love. And that is kind of sad, so here we go.

Jeg kan godt lide...


Being worry free and having fun

Coffee and Tea


Seeing where my feet take me.

Valuing life, it's something to hold on to and enjoy

Denmark, land of quirky streets and cute houses

Making a fool of myself all the time.

And of course all of my friends and family both in Denmark and in New Zealand, both places I call home, both places forever in my heart.

To Maddie, my amazing and lovely sister, missing you the most.

Jeg elsker dig skat


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