I am sorry for this rather unusual intro, but I just need an outlet.
It is another amazing summers day here in Middelfart, 30 degrees it is supposed to reach. It's almost too hot but I daren't say it as it would surely jinx this amazing fine spell.
So things are changing, I moved families a few days ago. A different city, a different island, a different way of life.
But change is said to be good, so I am trying to embrace it. But it is hard to settle into a new life when you are so used to things being different. But it's all part of the exchange life, so Lucy suck it up.
As my good friend Forest Gump would say, 'life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get'. Life is precisely like this, things happen and others don't. But you have to enjoy it whatever it serves you.
I am beginning to love photography, it is just amazing to be able to capture life in still. Capture moments, emotions. Here are some pics from the last few days.
All a kiwi needs when on the move...

Patriotic times.

NZ :)
Day at Skaerbaek beach with Nanna and Laerke. Savner jer...
So that has been my life's accomplishments over the past week.
I am now off to sleep, yes it is like 6pm but I am pretty much an old woman who needs her shut eye.
Have fun in cold NZ :)
I'll continue to enjoy the 25+ weather here in land of Fart
Lucy x
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