Last week we had a week off for Winter Holidays which I was very pleased about as school really takes it out of you. But it wasn't to be the usual getting up at midday and being a slob in general oh no! Rotary had planned an intro camp for all of the new inbound exchange students in Bjerringbro which is about 2 hours north of Fredericia. It was for a week and yet we were given no schedule so it was up to the imagination as to what we would be doing. On the train journey north we were able to spot the exchange students straight away - the insanely noisy group of teenagers who's badge strewn Rotary blazers were laying crumpled on the seat next to them. There were only about 50 or so of us but I can assure you that was enough people for me!
After an hour and a half long train journey to Randers, we met up with some Rotarians and we all piled onto the bus for our half an hour trip to Bjerringbro. We were staying at Nørgaards Højskole which is like a language school for exchange students etc. We arrived and were led to our rooms so we could settle in and meet our roomies. I was with Stacey who funnily enough is from the same district as me in NZ as well as an Aussie girl called Mich.
Me, Stacey and Mich in our 'tidy' room
After a little bit of mingling we met our teachers for the week (oh did I mention it was a week long language camp?!). I didn't mind the fact that the week was to be full of Danish classes as our three Danish teachers (two male and one female) were all quite good looking so that eased the stress of learning a new language! The rest of Sunday was all very relaxed, we met everyone and had a nice dinner and then we were sent to bed at around 10.30.
Monday was our first day of classes so everyone was up early and ready for breakfast. I have to say the breakfasts here are great, it's not just the usual rice bubbles and a bit of buttered toast, there is fresh bread and al types of cold meat and sauces - the lost goes on! After breakfast each day we had an assembly where we all met and went the plan for the day - a bit pointless I thought as we were all given a schedule at the beginning! Our Danish classes were so much fun as it wasn't just the monotonous copy and repeat, we listened to Danish music, acted out role plays and ate Danish chocolate and lollies. Our teacher was Marie who is 25 and working towards her teaching degree. She was so cool and made learning Danish easier and more hilarious.
Everyone hard at work during Danish class.
After a full day of classes on Monday, we had some afternoon activities planned. Theatre sports were on the menu and although it was fun, nobody was really in the mood as the day had worn everyone out as learning a language can be quite tiring. Here are a few pics of our 'tableau's' we created.
Don't even ask what is going on!
Tuesday dawned and everybody was still feeling very tired but we had a whole day of Danish classes to look forward to! The classes themselves were actually fun as I said previously our teacher was amazing. There were also lots of coffee breaks so we could 'refuel' and regain our concentration. I find it quite funny as it took us only a day to learn the past tense in Danish whereas in NZ it took us a few years to learn it in French and I can't even remember it in Spanish! I suppose this is what happens when you are immersed into a language, you are forced to learn at a fast pace. It's good but I still find it hard to force myself to use Danish as there is always that thought of the back of my mind saying 'they all speak English- which is a blessing and a problem at the same time. I will continue to try though as I have to, speaking Danish fluently is on my bucket list so it must be done!
Wednesday was to be our first time to be 'released' from the school which everyone was very excited about. We had class in the morning but after lunch we all piled onto a bus and headed to Viborg which is one of Denmark's Viking capitals and is located north west of Arhus. We visited the 800 year old Viborg Cathedral first which was beautiful and full of history. Typically some of the students didn't appreciate the history and beauty of the church but I really loved it, I love thinking of what could have happened there all those years ago. Here are some photos.
Viborg Cathedral
After the church we were let loose on the city of Viborg to shop for a few hours! I can't believe they trust us to go around a city we don't know but I didn't question it as the idea of shopping was too tempting! There are sales everywhere in Denmark so I don't feel as guilty buying something when it is 80% off . . Here is a photo of us shopping.
Kristy-Lee, Jacob, Katie and Catherine in Viborg.
We all got back on the bus laden with shopping bags and all exhausted. We had one more stop on the way back to school, a lookout over a frozen fjord - so beautiful.
An Australian girl Lauren and I with the fjord in the background.
Thursday was another day of classes and you could tell that everyone was still tired as there was no chatting, no questions being asked and Marie told us we all looked asleep! It was a long week but we had to make a final push for our last few days so we could make the most of our lessons.
On Friday we had our day trip to Arhus which was going to be great as it was an entire day to shop and see a new city. We all piled on the bus yet again and slept for the hour long journey. We all visited the modern art museum in Arhus first which I loved! It reminded me of the Guggenheim (not that I have ever been there!) and the exhibitions there were so unusual and entertaining. The building itself was gorgeous, very clean lines and modernist but what can you expect from a Modern Art Museum?

Inside the Museum
It was such a fun day and I didn't buy too much Mother! It was amazing as it was snowing the whole day too which made it feel really special.
Saturday was a very relaxed day, we had our last class for the week so we celebrated by eating some Danish sweets similar to Mallowpuffs and taking lots of class photos.
Our class!
Danish specialties :)
That night we had a formal dinner with Rotary so we all dressed up and wore our stunning Rotary blazers. It was the best dinner we had had all week and so naturally I had several helpings! After dinner we had a last night/goodbye party. It was so much fun and was a great way to finish off what had been a tiring yet amazing week. I met so many amazing people and improved on my Danish skills to say more than jeg hedder Lucy og jeg kommer fra blah blah!
I'll leave you with some photos of the dinner and party. Vi ses alle sammen :)
Hi Lucy - I have just re-read your first two entries and caught up with this one - they are wonderful! Stunning photos as well and just great to see you looking so fab (the dressed up for dinner photo of you is gorgeous!). I love hearing what you are up to and am following you on facebook as well - sort of - I don't log on enough to keep really up with all the activity! But you sound like you are having a fantastic time and are making the most of every moment. Keep enjoying! All is well here. We are off to Spain and Morocco for five and a bit weeks next week but will be back in May and will catch up with all your news then. Lots of love from Caroline Lucy xx