The time has come to fly up and away. In less than 3 hours I will be on a train to Copenhagen to fly to London. A little excited? I suppose you could say that. I started packing days ago...yet I still feel like I am missing something important.

But it will be so much fun, 5 days in London with my class. It will be insane!
I am looking forward too:
- Starbucks (we only have like 2 in Denmark!)
- English accents
- Seeing red double deckers and pubs.
- Taxis
- Being in a city which is ACTUALLY a city, rather than like Fredericia which is more like a wanabe city.
- People driving on the correct side of the road
- Telephone boxes
- Fish and Chips
- Being able to practice my amazing British accent and feeling like a fool
- Using pounds
- Going to Notting Hill and expecting to find the blue front door and Hugh Grant.
- Discovering the Order of the Phoenix Headquarters.
- The possible terror attack on London. Great Timing.
- Getting lost in the side streets
- People watching
- Jack the Ripper tour.....slightly terrified
- Curry and other general cheap pub grub
- Catching the tube and probably getting lost
- Seeing policemen on horses.
- Being somewhere that is not where I normally am.
These plus many more things I look forward to.
Ill post when I get back, might even have some nice pics to browse through. If only I had a nice camera...oh well my little blue canon will have to do.
Peace out kids
Later Denmark!
Luce trying to stay awake for the 3am train to Copenhagen