Although Eurotour was the most amazing experience ever, blogging about it is making me lose what little sanity I have left. But just . . one . . more. It'll be mostly photos as they will tell a more truthful experience as my words will.
So after staying in San Remo in Italy, we continued on our journey heading for a quick stopover in Monaco (just casually I know). So we started in Italy, passed through 5 minutes of France and were in Monaco all in 45 minutes. The beauty of Europe, 3 countries in less than an hour.

First glimpse

Monte Carlo

Casino! World Famous.

Royal Palace. Hey Prince Albert!

We went on a train ride, tourist trap I know but it was good!

Me and Monte Carlo

Formula One track

Kristy-Lee, Catherine, me and Laura with the Casino

Farvel Monaco :(
I adored Monaco, the tax haven to many, it even made me - the poor exchange student feel wealthy. It just felt so luxurious and happy. The hot weather helped I suppose. I will have to return sometime, when I can see there is more than 40kr in my bank account.
To Avignon, France we went. It was so unbelievably nice to be surrounded in French, something that I understood and could use rather than Danish where it takes me years to put a sentence together. We arrived at our hostel which was right by the famous half bridge. It was basic but hey, it was close to the city and was right next to the river so it wasn't too bad.
That first night we watched a fireworks display by the half bridge which was beautiful, then we ventured into the city to get lost in yet another city in Europe. We managed to find a pile of someones unwanted things they had put outside their house and so FOR FREE oh yes, I got someones old sketchbook (it had sketches of women in it, totes felt like Jack Dawson) and an old French newspaper from 1922! I was so stoked. And I didn't even have to open the wallet.
The next day we had a free day to what we wanted, when we wanted. Brilliant (in the fine words of Ronald Weasley). Here are pics of the day.


Sucked in! Another tourist train ride.

La vie c'est belle

Me with the Popes Palace behind

For my Mummy (yes just pretend it says Adrienne not Adrien!)

Me, Laura, Michy, Catherine and Nae

Creme brulee :)

Avignon is super cute, love it

Me and Laura being awesome.
The bridge near where we were staying
Next stop was PARIS! City of love, lights and luxury. And Lucy's one of several fave places to visit.
It was a LONG drive to get to Paris from Avignon, around 12 hours so it was fair to say that once we got to our destination we all ran of the bus, not wanting to see ever again!
Once we got our bags, we looked up and realised that we were looking at the Eiffel Tower peeping out from the cute town houses of central Paris. We had arrived.
We were staying in a hostel called the Aloha hostel, so French hein? But it was right in the middle of Paris with the Eiffel Tower just a few streets away. Oh life is hard!
So the first night we were there, we had to go and see the Eiffel Tower sparkle, and we had to look as French as possible to fit in. So we whipped out the eye liner and created French style mustaches, curly at the ends and all. We were ready!

Moi et Catherine


Did I mention we met some American marines under the Eiffel Tower and mustached them and went out with them after?? The joys of traveling.
The next day we had a bus tour around the beautiful city of Paris in the morning and were then let free to uncover the most romantic city in the world.

Aloha Hostel, note prominent flags?

Je t'aime Paris

For Grandfather :). Love you!

Me and the river Seine

Us at the Louvre.

Again . .

Mmmm dinner in Paris!

Best dinner ever, and cheap too (well for Paris!)

Sunset as we went on our night cruise

Pont Neuf

Kristy-Lee and I being French!
The next day, our last in Paris, was totally ours. But that morning a few of us had to move hotels as our one had overbooked and we had to move 'down the road'. Slash it was a 45 minute walk away with our suitcases, nightmare to say the least. Tempers and stress was high as we got lost, it was hot and we were wasting our last day in Paris trying to find a hotel. We finally got there and all agreed to relax and 'Carpe Diem' as we were in Paris, France.
It was a boiling hot day and so of course we decided to take the stairs to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. Amazing view. Just takes your breath away.



Had my portrait done again, love it!

A fun last night out with my girlies! The Lido was our entertainment for the night.

An amazing (and pricey) way to end an amazing few days in my favourite place in the world.
I hope to return to Paris in the not too distant future as I am in love. You know how some places just have a certain power over you? They enchant and embrace you. I love that. I know that I am going to be the kind of person who constantly wants to see more, experience more of the world. A bad case of ants in your pants-itis.
After Paris, we headed north to Belgium, supposedly one of the most boring countries in the world according to my Dad. We were in Brussels and everyone was in a zombie like state as they were so tired. It was so hot in Brussels too, not a good mix! But we all got out and had a walk around before going to the hostel. It was actually a beautiful place, full of charm.
We saw the famous peeing boy statue, why is it even famous?? And chocolate shop after chocolate shop. Plus some waffle stands mmmm.

There was an amazing mix of modern and old, loved it!

Main old square

Pee boy hehe

Waffel anyone?

Or choc Fountain?

So we just had the afternoon to spend in Brussels but we had spent it well! Next and last stop was Amsterdam, city of sin some would say, I say city of free spirits and fun. The place where pot and prostitution is all within the law!
It was only a short drive from Brussels, around 4 hours. When we got to Amsterdam we all went on a boat ride through the historic city.
As well as see the city from the boat we also saw a lot on foot. We had to go see the red light district as it is part of the culture! It was so funny, everyone there were male tourists. Mostly British, speaks volumes? It was a funny experience, scantily clad women in windows, ne sight of your camera they would abuse you. Quite funny really. I was like don't tell ME what to do, you have no leg to stand on, you are selling yourself in a window . .
After that, well, interesting experience, a few of us headed for Anne Frank's house. We have all read her amazing insightful diary and I was so lucky that I could go to her famous hiding place.
It is a museum and you walk through each room where there are things on display and quotes from her diary covering the walls. It is so moving, touches a nerve. You even walk through the bookcase entry to her and her families hidden living quarters. It was so well done, sympathetic and informative. I recommend it!
We all then literally had to run to the bus to be on time as we were driving to our hotel which was in Arnham, an hour from Amsterdam.
Our last night of Eurotour was spent reminiscing and spending time with each other before we parted ways.
My Favourite Places:
- Prague, so beautiful, amazing architecture
- Venice, magical, felt like I was in a dream :)
- Avignon, charming side streets
- Paris, explanation needed?
I am running out of steam. But that was a long yet short story of the most amazing weeks of my life. It has left me wanting more. To see more, experience more. I am only 17 and have to be one of the most well travelled teenager, I am SO lucky and am thankful everyday for it.
So now I am back in Denmark, or what I now see as home. I have summer holidays until mid August so I am busy making plans on how to make the most of it! I am moving to Middelfart, yes you read that right, on Thursday July 1st so I am moving islands y'all! Fyn will be home. I will be sad to farewell the Sorensen's as they are my family, I love them SO much. They have made my first 5 months here amazing. Jeg skal savner I :)
Blog once I have recovered from this EPIC one!
P.S I was glued to the screen as the All Whites stepped up to the world stage. I felt so proud to be a New Zealander when they did so well. The sight of the flag, the fern and hearing the national anthem made me tear up. I love New Zealand! Good going boys x