Oh why hello again. I am sitting at home now after having had the best pancakes ever for dinner, yes dinner, and thought that I thought I updated my blog so here we go.
It is early May and Denmark still cannot decide whether it wants to be summer or winter so we are all stuck in a somewhat confusing 'in between' of seasons where it snows, rains and is sunny all in one day. So the Danish idea of 'there is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing' is actually quite true.
So the other day my friend Catherine and I had planned to go to the gym but then when the time came to go we just couldn't muster up the strength to go so we thought we would do something different for once. Rollerblading. Yes, many hilarious and cringe worthy moments spring too mind when I think of this cruel and humiliating activity but it was actually so much fun! We came home to mine in Skaerbaek where there are a few hills that we could at least try and conquer. We rollerbladed around the car-park of the energy company near my house called Dong (yes I snigger every time I hear it too). Here are some pics:

Me beginning . . scared to move.

Me and Catherine having a blast trying not to fall

Then Catherine and I tired of going on the concrete so we decided to go onto the grass as we thought it would be fun to mix things up a little.

Grass and rollerblades don't mix too well

The leaves were fun though
After such a tiring 'workout' we needed a rest so we lay on the grass and just took in our surroundings. It was so green, it was so shocking to be honest as everything has been a muted tone of brown for a month or so. It reminded me of the luscious green of New Zealand, I miss that.
It felt like Spring

We even found some daisies!

So green.

Then it was time to return home, down the hill.
It was lots of fun and another way we can have some exercise while enjoying the warmer weather. Definitely we will do this another time.
Apart from school I haven't been up to much. I have done about 3 presentations on NZ in the last few days so now I can rattle out a 30 minute long speech on it on demand. Any takers? I did my Rotary presentation on Tuesday night which went well as the power point actually worked this time unlike the last unfortunate time where it decided not to work. I went to a confirmation last weekend with my third host family which was a cultural experience let's just say. In Denmark it is the norm to be confirmed at the age of 14 or so. There is a church service then a huge party after with endless food, money and presents. It was a confirmation of a family friend and all of his family came for the weekend from Scotland and Norway so it was a very eventful day what with the Scotts in their kilts and the whiskey being drunk as water. It was a good experience as it is very much part of growing up here so it was interesting for me to see. It was nice to meet my family too. I have 2 host brothers there so that will be a change from having a crazy sister such as mine, Maddie! They seem so nice so I look forward to the end of the year.
I have a very exciting weekend ahead of me. On Saturday I am biking to Middelfart (still laughing) with my sister Nanna and Mum Gitte to have lunch with my counsellor Gunhild as there is a marathon there that day so all will be buzzing. I am sure my choice to bike will be regretted when the time comes to bike the 17 or so km home! Then on Sunday LEGOLAND! For those who know me well, I have been a huge fan of Duplo for many years so Legoland is my dream. I will be sure to take lots of pics to post later. Be jealous :)
Hope all in NZ is good, I still feel like Denmark is more exciting - sorry!
Eurotour - 8 countries, 18 days - starts in 2 weeks!
Lucy x