A few weeks ago from the 5-7th of March, we had our first of only two Rotary 'get2gethers' this year. We were all very excited as it was in København (for those small minded people who don't know what that is, it is the Danish capital otherwise know as Copenhagen). It was a social fit weekend so we weren't there to see the sights, we were there to pump some much needed iron. Although a bit of a 'downer' to be spending the entire time in København inside a gym - it was a great opportunity to meet up with all of the other new exchange students.
We left school after only attending one class (mine was sport, how ironic) and then headed for the train station. Trains here are amazing, they are seldom late, they have spaceship like doors into the toilets and best of all there is a food trolley that brings to mind a scene from Harry Potter 'Anything from the trolleys dears?'. Great movie. But anyway, we piled onto the train only to find a whole lot of other crazy exchange students already on the train making lots of noise (that's how we are usually found). It was only a 2 and a half hour journey which took us over two bridges and past a wind turbine farm - in the SEA. A few of us wanted to see a little of Copenhagen before we meet at Fitness DK so we got off at Copenhagen Central Station and were immediately lost. I had been given directions by my lovely host Dad Ib, but knowing me I went the wrong way. We ended up in the sex area of KBH and were all very scared that we would be taken hostage or taken advantage of! We eventually asked for directions at a hotel but we were still a bit scared! We didn't have much time after our little excursion to 'Erotic Corner' so we just looked at a few shops and then had to go. As we arrived in Ørestad, station 60 or so exchange students walked over to our meeting point in Field's Department store at Fitness DK, our gym for the weekend. We were all given gorgeous black or purple shirts with 'Rotary Get2Gether' on the back and were offered healthy snacks and water. We signed up for different classes such as spinning (which is actually biking not spinning in circles as I had imagined), body pump, yoga and many others. A few of my friends and I decided to do our own thing and go on the tredmills etc which was really fun yet very tiring.
Me with a Danish icon waiting for our train in Fredericia
Tivoli - It was closed :(
Ørestad Gymnasium where we were staying. Not too shabby.
After such a tiring evening we all walked over to where we were staying over the next day and a half. Ørestad Gymnasium was a school yet resembled a high end modern art gallery. It was a piece of art in itself, the minimalistic staircase swooped up into a tight curl. It truly was amazing. It puts Marsden and its roofless auditorium to shame. Our bedroom was their gym, so all of the 220 exchange students grabbed a section of wall and spread their stuff. It was nice as we met the oldies or exchange students who arrived 6 months ago. There were loads of them and only few newbies so we were somewhat ambushed.
On Saturday we woke to the most extravagant of breakfasts, American style pancakes (that made the previous visit to the gym worthless) with bacon and eggs :). We headed to the gym for our last session of the weekend and everyone was quite sore from the previous night. I signed up for a yoga class which deemed very difficult and not at all relaxing! Our instructor was in fact a ninja so that made it look a lot easier than is was.

Yes this is me balancing on my head. Painful is all I can say.
After yoga me and a few others were a bit naughty and cleverly escaped the tight grasp of Rotarians and snuck into the shopping mall that was connected to Fitness DK. We had the best time in H&M! Sadly I didn't buy anything so there was no proof of our rebellion but that doesn't matter - we did it hehe. We had to sneak back in which was the hardest part, we did that unnoticed too - we have mad skills I have to say.
That night there was a party as a last 'horrah' mostly for the oldies as it was their last Get2Gether. It was a 'Hollywood' theme so there were some great costumes but myself and some others felt like doing something different, so we went in our pajamas and heels and said we were from the movie 'The Sleepover'. Genius or what?
Charlie, Stacey, me and Ellie 'sleeping' with attitude.
It was a really fun night with lots of 'action' for some (the way you want to interpret this is up to you hehe). We were partying until the wee hours of the morning, we were still wide awake at about 3am so we decided to explore the gymnasium (even though we weren't supposed to!). We found a way to get to the second floor and so a group of about five of us took our sleeping bags and snuck up the stairs and found a perfect place to sleep. But after we had only been there for 5 minutes, two Rotarians emerged. How had they found us? Shadows is all they said. Darn! It would have been really fun but the Rotarians were cool with it, they thought it was quite funny how secretive we thought we had been! So we traipsed back downstairs and took our trough of chicken they had put out for all of the hungry teenagers and slept on the floor underneath the stairs. We had 3 hours sleep that night. Not fun the next morning.
We said our goodbyes and then headed with all of our gear to the station. A few of us were going to look around København again as we had more time. We put our suitcases into storage at the main station and headed out into the 'big smoke'. We knew which way NOT to go so we headed in the opposite direction for the main shopping street called Strøget. It was so beautiful, all of the old buildings lined the busy shopping street and it was gorgeous! I love traditional Danish architecture. Here are some pics.
Look how gorgeous the buildings are! And there I am ruining everything . .
Same . .
My friend we found whilst shopping . .
Me with the main train station behind.
After a long day and having spent plenty of money it was time to go home. We got back on the train and headed back to what it is now dubbed 'Fred'. It had been a great weekend but I was exhausted after having only 7 hours sleep over 2 nights. Thats what happens when over 220 exchange students are put in the same building for a few nights . .
I will write again soon (and this time I mean in the next few days!) about language school and my trip to Odense. Stay tuned.
Knus Lucy/Noose/Kirsty or whatever you call me :)